Grocery Stores need to monitor and record temperatures for Food Safety. TempGuard can provide automated temperature recording and monitoring for nearly every zone within your store(s).


Meats & Deli

Hot Holding

Grocery Stores need to monitor and record temperatures for Food Safety. TempGuard can provide automated temperature recording and monitoring for nearly every zone within your store(s).
Meats & Deli
Hot Holding
Food Safety requires temperature readings every FOUR hours. With numerous thermometers to read throughout a grocery store, thermometer readings and recording requires a large amount of labor. Having employees walk from thermometer to thermometer with a clipboard and pen is inefficient, cumbersome, and costly.
TempGuard replaces that daily labor at a fraction of the cost, leaving employees free to perform more customer-facing or revenue-generating tasks.
Anywhere you need temperature to keep food safe!
TempGuard will send an Alert to Managers’ phone(s) at the first sign of Risk of Food Spoilage due to improper temperatures.
Schedule a Free Demo to see how easy, effective, and efficient TempGuard is for your grocery store.
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